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What can we help you with today?

We will schedule a meet-and-greet to determine needs, sense of fit, strengths, goals, timeline, and investment. For client or branding consultations, this might manifest as one to two sessions, while training or ongoing collaborations may extend over multiple sessions as agreed upon early in the process.

No! I work with individuals and organizations of all kinds to strengthen care for communities. Some examples include CE training, in-depth workshops, ethical branding strategies and more.

Your services should be catered to your needs! If this leads us to decide on multiple meetings or consultations, we can develop an appropriate timeline for you.

  • For one-on-one consultations involving patients/clients, you can expect to invest $175 per hour. 
  • For marketing and branding strategy, you can expect to invest $50 per hour. This service has room for flexibility depending on your unique needs (for example: a package price rather than per hour). 
  • For organizational training, your investment depends on your goals and needs! Hourly fees may fit with our plan, while a package price might provide a fair investment for other plans. Contact me to learn more!

Yes! Offering sliding scale services aligns with my values, and I offer these services to newer trainees, BIPOC providers, and queer providers from all fields. We can collaborate to design an equitable plan for you.

This is exactly why I’m here! We don’t know what we don’t know entering the field running into these obstacles. I’d love to meet you and help brainstorm a plan for you!

Let’s connect, explore, and collaborate together to re-invigorate your work with fresh perspectives!